Hamilton moves into the red zone: What it means for McMaster
As Hamilton moves into the red zone of the province’s COVID-19 Response Framework, the majority of current operations at McMaster will not be impacted.
The red “control” category — which comes into effect at 12 a.m. on Nov. 16 — introduces a number of new restrictions across multiple sectors throughout the city, reinforcing the need to maintain physical distancing, wearing masks and follow guidelines to help our community change the upward trajectory of COVID-19 cases.
The small number of classes and programs being held on campus will continue as scheduled with most student and employees working remotely.
The university continues to review the new rules and consult with public health to ensure our protocols and teaching and research activities align with its requirements. McMaster will provide updates should any requirements change.
For those required to come to campus, a reminder of the Top 5 things you need to do:
- Do the online training: The mandatory COVID-19 Awareness training is available in Mosaic. Training must be completed once in advance of coming to campus.
- Complete daily screening: The McMaster Safety app includes direct access to the provincial screening tool. Each time you visit campus, you must complete the screening.
- Wear a mask: Masks are mandatory for all indoor spaces on campus.
- Follow signs and keep physically distanced: Clear, easy to read signage throughout campus signals appropriate physical distancing and room capacities.
- Use the COVID-19 reporting tool: If you or anyone on your team has tested positive for COVID, has symptoms or has come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID, use the tool in Mosaic to help McMaster take appropriate safety actions.
Update Monday Nov. 16: For more details on McMaster and the red zone, click here.
COVID-19 Updates