Rapid tests available to students Wednesday at pop-up site on campus
Rapid antigen tests will be available Wednesday March 2 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for McMaster students who have not received a test kit from the Peter George Centre for Living and Learning (PGCLL) Service Desk.
Students should be prepared to show their McMaster student ID card when picking up a test. The PGCLL Service Desk is located on the main floor, near the residence elevators.
We encourage those attending to enter from the west side doors across from the Commons Building and to exit through the east doors closest to the Ron Joyce stadium.
Kits of two tests will be distributed in support of students as they engage in activities on campus. Students are encouraged to self-isolate as per the provincial guidelines and take a rapid test if they are experiencing symptoms. Positive screen results should be reported through Mosaic.
The Province of Ontario is expanding access to free rapid tests, with 5.5 million rapid tests to be distributed each week for eight weeks through pharmacies, grocery stores, and community partners in vulnerable communities. Find more details here.
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