Asymptomatic COVID-19 Testing Centre ending operations May 1
As of May 1, 2022, the Asymptomatic COVID-19 Testing Centre, which supported students, faculty and staff with vaccination exemptions and led the strategic deployment of rapid antigen tests at McMaster, will be decommissioned.
This change aligns with the vaccine policy pause for spring and summer terms. Testing may resume if pandemic circumstances, public health advice and government requirements change.
Housing & Conference Services opened the Asymptomatic COVID-19 Testing Centre in September 2021 and has since administered almost 6,000 tests in support of the vaccination mandate. They have also strategically supplied over 66,000 rapid tests for operational continuity across campus, including the current distribution of tests to the McMaster community during the exam period.
The Province of Ontario is expanding access to free rapid tests, with 5.5 million rapid tests to be distributed each week for eight weeks through pharmacies, grocery stores, and community partners in vulnerable communities. Find more details here.
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